We had decided to cover only Long arm of the Law for this episode last month but unfortunate news caught up with us and forced us to add a longer introduction to this episode.

After a short conversation around AI and its impact on how we watch movies, we then move to talking about Cheng Pei-pei, an incredible actress who gave so much to Hong Kong cinema and sadly passed away on 17th July 2024. We then move to a filmmaker we hold close to our heart as we covered several of his movies in previous episodes (Yes, madam in episode 1 and Righting wrongs in episode 8) and who appeared in several others movies we spoke about (Eastern condors in episode 3, Iceman cometh in episode 14). Corey Yuen. A true legend of Hong Kong cinema whose name should be more well known.

Finally, our movie of choice for this episode is none other than the recently reissued Long Arm of the Law. A 1984 crime movie directed by Johnny Mak, whose career was very limited, and written by the ex cop Philip Chan. Long arm of the law might have ended up being a cult classic for many as its notoriety is limited to fans of Hong Kong cinema but its a noteworthy release for its mix of action and gritty realism around a cast of loveable but flawed misfits desperate to make a life of their own in Hong Kong.

Long Arm of the Law on imdb
Long Arm of the Law 1 and 2 reiussed by 88 films
A brilliant eulogy and summary of Corey Yuen by the youtube channel Invincible Asia
Cheng Pei-pei eulogy on The Guardian

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Hong Kong Gor on Instagram at hongkongor.podcast (all the news about the podcast and any Hong Kong action related information we can share)
Mathieu/Hororo on Bluesky (he/him)
Wing on Bluesky (he/him)

Come tell us what you thought about the episode, what movies you would like us to cover and tell your friends, family, relatives, and cats about u